Beyond the Gate
Sitting under the shade of our pergola breathing in the sweet scent of the sassafras trees, I listen to the chorus of birds calling out to one another. Time and time again I find myself startled by small creatures (who always sound so much bigger) as they scurry across the branches and ground. I look past the trees into the clearing to see what I can see. Usually it's nothing but sometimes I watch as a doe and her fawn cautiously make their way out of the safety of the woods and into the field. Sometimes I can hear a cow or two bellering and then watch as the whole herd of them parade by, stopping here and there for a bite of fresh grass.
As I think about all the sights and sounds it dawns on me - there's another world on the other side of that gate.
I mostly watch and listen from the comfort and safety of my deck but I have ventured off on a path a time or two. Of course never alone!
Sometimes we get a little too comfortable in our lives - afraid to venture out into the unknown, afraid to leave the safety of what we've always known.
Here's the thing...
we're never alone.
Sometimes we feel led or long to do something different but we're fearful.
What if it's the wrong path?
What if I fail?
If only I were smarter, more talented, more confident (you fill in the blank).
We waste so much time on the 'what ifs' and the 'if onlys'.
Maybe we should just open the gate (or climb over the gate!) and start out on a new adventure.
We can look at it this way - the gate is there to keep something out or to keep us in but either way - it can always be opened.
Maybe, just maybe, we should live our lives the way God created us to live them.
Brave. Strong. Courageous.
Maybe we shouldn't let the fear of what could be out there stop us from experiencing the adventure awaiting us.
Are you ready to go beyond the gate?
#adventuresawait #bestrong #bebrave #becourageous #befearless
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